While sharing a website link in whatsapp, have you ever wondered how it shows rich preview of the page with a image and description?? This is because When you try to share a link in whatsapp, it reads "Open Graph" meta tags present in the link and creates a preview with link,image and description similar to this one:

Baca Juga : SEO Tips. How to increase your traffic flow without costs!

How to share link with image in whatsapp?
Basically you need four OG (Open Graph) meta tags in the  <head>  section of your webpage. The four OG meta tags gives the informaton to whatsapp about title ,description,url and image of your webpage. The four tags are og:title, og:description, og:url, og:image. Below example shows how to implement these tags.
<meta property="og:title" content="How to change the address bar color in Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari" />
<meta property="og:description" content="How to change the address bar color in Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari" />
Make sure the image given in the tag are in reasonable size. Image given in the above example is 200x266 size, Basically 256x256 size images works without any issues. That's it, You're done. Put these tags in your head section of the webpage and try to share the page, you will see that preview.